Here’s How to Perform Manual Testing Step by Step:

Manual Testing

Manual testing is an essential component of software testing and is still relevant despite the emergence of other testing techniques like automation testing and artificial intelligence. Manual testing is a way of verifying the software application to make sure that it is error-free, meets the intended requirements, and operates as expected. This post is a comprehensive guide on how to perform manual testing, covering all the essential steps that software testers should take when conducting manual testing.


1. Analyze requirements from the software requirement specification document

The first step in manual testing is to analyze the requirements from the software requirement specification, which plays an essential role in ensuring that the software meets the intended requirements. The tester should read and understand the requirements and ensure that they have a clear understanding of the software’s functionality. Furthermore, the tester should create a requirement traceability matrix, which helps to ensure that all requirements are covered during testing.


2. Create a clear test plan

Once the tester has analyzed the requirements, they need to create a clear test plan. The test plan should outline what is going to be tested, how testing will be conducted, what resources will be used, and the testing schedule and timelines. The main objective of creating a test plan is to ensure that all testing activities are conducted systematically and efficiently.

Manual Testing

How do I create a test plan template?


Creating a test plan template can be quite a daunting task but with the right approach, it can be done with ease. The first step is to develop a testing strategy which can outline how to go about testing various functionalities of the application.


A functionality map can then be created to ensure that all features, including edge cases, are covered in the testing process. Defining pass/fail criteria is also critical to determine the desired outcome of each test case. Writing test descriptions ensures that testers understand the purpose of each test case and know what is expected of them.


Test organization standards can help ensure consistency across projects, while creating rules for failure categorization and bug classification is crucial to help address issues systematically. By following these steps, creating a comprehensive test plan template becomes much simpler and efficient.



Becoming a manual tester has become more accessible with Wise Quarter, thanks to its real project experience, invaluable mentor support, and a wealth of free learning resources.


3. Write test cases that cover all the requirements defined in the document

The next step in manual testing is to create test cases that cover all the requirements defined in the document. Test cases are a set of instructions or steps that testers follow when testing the software application. Test cases are critical in ensuring that the software application is tested thoroughly, and all functionalities are tested.


What documents should we look at when writing test cases?


When it comes to writing test cases, choosing the right document to refer to is crucial. Two of the most commonly used documents are the user requirement document and the functional requirements specifications. The user requirement document provides a high-level overview of what the user wants from the software or application being developed. On the other hand, the functional requirements specifications document provides a detailed description of the software or application’s functionality, including how it should work and what it should do. Deciding which document to use ultimately depends on what you want to achieve.


If you want to ensure the software meets the user’s needs, then referring to the user requirement document is a good choice. However, if you want to test the software’s functionality and ensure it works as intended, then the functional requirements specifications document would be the better option.

4. Get test cases reviewed by the QA lead

Once the tester has written the test cases, they need to get them reviewed by the QA lead. The QA lead is responsible for ensuring that testing is conducted as per the industry standards and that all requirements are covered. The QA lead reviews the test cases and provides feedback on any changes that need to be made. The tester then incorporates this feedback into the test cases.


5. Execute test cases and detect any bugs

After the test cases have been reviewed and finalized, the tester proceeds to execute them. During the testing phase, the tester should document any defects or bugs detected during the testing process. The bugs are then reported to the development team, who then fixes them, and the software is retested to ensure that the bugs have been resolved.


How to write an Effective Bug Report?


Writing an effective bug report is crucial in ensuring that software bugs are fixed efficiently.


1 – The first step in creating a bug report is to give it a title or ID, which helps the developer identify the problem.


2 – It is important to provide a detailed description of the environment where the bug was encountered, including information about the operating system and hardware.


3 – When writing the steps to reproduce the bug, provide specific details, such as the order in which the steps were taken and what actions were performed.


4 – In addition, include the expected result and the actual result, which helps the developer understand the problem better.


5 – Providing visual proof, like screenshots and videos, can be helpful in identifying the issue, as it allows the developer to see the problem for themselves.


6 – Finally, when assigning priority or severity to the bug, consider the impact the bug has on the software.


Following these guidelines will ensure the developer can fix the bug quickly and efficiently.


What tools are used for bug reporting?


Bug reporting is an essential part of the software development process. When it comes to tracking bugs, there are several tools available that can make the process easier. Rapidr, Monday com, Bugzilla, Redmine, Asana, Mantis BT, Jira and BugHerd are also tools that are used for bug tracking. These tools have different features and functionalities, but they all aim to make bug reporting more efficient and accurate. By using these tools, developers can easily keep track of bugs and issues and ensure that they are fixed before the product is released.


Manual testing plays a crucial role in ensuring that software applications are free from defects and meet the intended requirements. The five steps highlighted in this post provide a solid framework that can guide software testers when performing manual testing. By following these steps, software testers can accurately test software applications and ensure that they meet the high standards of software testing.


How to Become a Manual Tester with Wise Quarter?


Are you considering a career in manual testing? Give your career the perfect start with Wise Quarter’s manual and automation tester course. This course has been recognized as the best manual tester course among other QA tester courses due to its real-world projects, guaranteed internship opportunity and 75 hours of free comprehensive java curriculum.


You will also have the flexibility to follow the recorded lectures at your own pace to ensure that you not only gain a deep understanding of manual testing fundamentals but also develop automation skills. By enrolling in this course, you will not only receive a quality education, but you will also gain practical experience that will help you succeed in the job market.


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