What Is the Difference Between Git and GitHub?

What Is the Difference Between Git and GitHub? You’ve heard of GitHub and Git. They both work with the same basic idea of version control, but GitHub adds a social layer to the code management system. Using Github’s forks and issue tracker, contributors can see the latest changes to a project, and then fork it

What Are Software Testing Techniques?

What Are Software Testing Techniques? In this article, we’ll cover some of the most common Software Testing techniques. Whether your system is new or old, these techniques can make the difference between an application being ready to launch and one that’s destined to be a complete failure. Whether you’re testing a web application, a mobile

Computer hardware required for software?

Computer hardware required for software?   To run software, your computer must have the appropriate resources. These resources include random-access memory (RAM) and the operating system. Some software may also require specific peripherals, including keyboards, pointing devices, and networks. Software requirements define both the resources needed to run the application and any prerequisites that must


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